
Translation by Ben Power

Directed by Tiffani Swalley


Medea warns of the lengths a person will go to for the sake of justice and retribution. After being abandoned by her husband, Medea hatches a murderous plan for revenge that results in several deaths and the entire upheaval of a nation’s political system. Typical Thursday.

In order to understand the complexity of the plot of Medea, the company first had to understand the “normal.” What is life supposed to look like? How are women are supposed to act? How easy it is to travel between these city-states? How were these peoples expected to handle visitors/immigrants? Along with my co-dramaturg, Begum Inal, I compiled the “Medea Magazine” to provide a look at life in Ancient Greece at the time of Medea’s original production. The magazine delves into immigrant rights, religion, the sanctity of oath, the lore surrounding Medea and Jason prior to the events of the play, and so much more. After presenting this overarching material, we compiled individualized packets for each character that outlines the logistics of their lives related to their gender, nationality, class, occupation, etc.


Emily Sullivan, Joseph Kane, Derek Herman, Rebecca Wood, Patrick Joy-Brandt, Aaron Good, Erin Long, Isaac Woods, Peter Bertucco, Leigh Dillon, Sheena Laird, Griffin Lockette, Paris L’Hommie, Lavender Kelley


Director: Tiffani Swalley Dramaturgs: Begum Inal and Dezi Tibbs Stage Manager: Amelia McGinnis Choreographer: Sheena Laird Intamacy Director: Jaqueline Holloway Producer: Mary Alex Danniels


Lighting Designer: Natasha Rotondaro Costume Designer: Liv Rigdon Props Designer: Erin Long Sound Designer: Max Silverman Video Designer: Vivienne Shaw Scenic Designer: Nadja Antic